We Must Run Aground

a shipwreck with the words we must run aground describing the subject of the post

But we must run aground on some island to be saved. Acts 27:26

Sometimes in life we must run aground to be saved.

If it were up to us, we’d avoid shipwreck. Who wants to be dashed against the hard rocks of life?

But it’s not often up to us, especially if we live in community. In community, no one lives unto himself. The reality is, everything we do impacts others. We can choose to stick together, even in storms. The community of believers is a motley crew of decision makers, opinion bearers, and gifted individuals. We may not all agree on our course. The communal course may lead us to run aground.

Some people choose isolation just to avoid such strife.

But for those who choose to stick together, there is hope. We need each other. If we run aground together, we will be saved. There is hope in unity, even if that unity bonds itself around survival in a storm.

The island where our ship runs aground may be the very place we find the relief we’ve been praying and fasting for. The sand that stops our rudder, the rocks that break our hard-built ship, the waves that stop our progress, all these may be the Lord’s servants sent to save us.

Where are you headed today, and with whom? Is the way dark, the wind howling? Do you fear the imminent dashing of all your hopes? Is the compass of your future spinning, the sails of your ship torn?

As the wind howled and the ship groaned, Paul gathered his community together. He hadn’t chosen this community. He was a prisoner, on his way to Rome with a crew of tough soldiers and foul-mouthed sailors. But he chose to stick with them. Eat and be nourished, he urged. Then he took bread and gave thanks to God in front of them. All ate until they were filled and were strengthened and encouraged (vv35-38). After they were done, they threw the excess into the sea to lighten the load. In the end, they ran aground. Each man clung to a broken bit of the ship and made it to shore alive.

Don’t be afraid of running aground together. Look to heaven and give thanks to the Lord of the wind and waves. The One who is the Bread of Life will fill your storm-tossed soul today with strength and encouragement. You can cast your worries into the sea and lighten the load you carry. Link arms with those around you and hold on tight.

Sometimes we need to run aground to be saved. #perseverance Click To Tweet

Lord, strengthen and encourage me and my shipmates today, and save us when we run aground. Amen.


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