Tagged: relationships

  • Burden Bearer

    And Solomon assigned 70,000 men to bear burdens… 2 Chronicles 2:2 There are projects in God’s kingdom that cannot be completed without burden bearers. The stones hewn from the mountain would not carry themselves. They could not assemble themselves into towering walls forming Solomon’s glorious temple. They needed strong arms to carry them. To think burden-bearing may be one’s assignment! We talk much about laying burdens down. But some burdens are purposed for God's glory. When we carry the burdens He assigns, we become part of that purpose. Jesus understood this. Centuries after Solomon's temple was destroyed, Jesus would be God's assigned Burden Bearer. He carried our sin and shame on the cross so human hearts might become the new dwelling place of the living… Read More

  • Assigned to Bear Burdens

    And Solomon assigned 70,000 men to bear burdens… 2 Chronicles 2:2 There are projects in God’s kingdom that cannot be completed without burden bearers.  Those stones hewn from the mountain would not carry themselves, assemble themselves into towering walls forming Solomon’s glorious temple. They needed strong arms to bear them to their purpose. To think burden-bearing may be one’s assignment! I daresay not many would choose it voluntarily. God’s assigned burden bearer must be careful how she carries her load. I have a beautiful bowl handcrafted from the wood of an orange tree native to Africa. A rich russet color, it is inlaid with floral patterns of lighter wood. Disrupting the intricate design is a large, ugly crack, spanning from one rim to the base… Read More

  • The Plot to Put an End to the Work

      @audreycfrank Also our enemies said, “Before they know it or see us, we will be right there among them and will kill them and put an end to the work.”  -Nehemiah 4:11 They had come in through an unseen crack in the foundation. Silently, under the cover of darkness, they multiplied. In the hidden places, they carried out their dirty work, while life went on outside as usual, unaware. One night I tiptoed through the inky blackness of the courtyard to get a drink of water from the kitchen. As I flipped on the light I screamed in terror. Covering the floor like a horrifying, pulsing carpet was an army of cockroaches. They frantically retreated to their dark places, frightened of the light. They… Read More