More Than We Can Handle

A mother and child carrying water through the desert with the words More Than We Can Handle describing the subject of the post

God never gives us more than we can handle.

Nowhere 1:1

How enriched are they who find their strength in the Lord; within their hearts are the highways of holiness! Even when their paths wind through the dark valley of tears, they dig deep to find a pleasant pool where others find only pain. He gives to them a brook of blessing filled from the rain of an outpouring. They grow stronger and stronger with every step forward, and the God of all gods will appear before them in Zion.

Psalm 84:57

She was no more than two feet tall. Wrapped in a bright orange, purple, and yellow cloth folded twice to fit her tiny frame, the little girl balanced a plastic jug on her tiny head. The golden oil jug had been repurposed for the carrying of precious water from a local pond. If one could walk, one could carry water. And this little girl was beaming with pride even as her brow knit seriously with the responsibility.

To my privileged American eyes, eyes that had watched fresh, clean water come from a tap every time I had ever needed it every day of my life until now, a two-year-old African girl carrying a heavy jug of water on her head seemed wrong. Cruel. Irresponsible.

What I did not consider or understand was that she was not alone. She was in training, and she had a strong helper who watched over her as she grew in strength and stamina, dignity and honor.

It is honorable and dignified to bear burdens well in Africa. Strength is beautiful and necessary for the village to survive, and it begins when one can walk.

Mothers start early giving their daughters more than they can handle. Little by little, they train them to carry what they can, then a little more than they can, then more yet again. Their strength grows in proportion to the increased weight they bear.

I watched the little girl walk down the dusty path to the pond, her mother shadowing her, watchful and waiting. Watching and waiting for any sign of fatigue, of wavering. Watching as she filled her jug to the top. Watching to see how far she could go with her impossible load. And the little one made it to the water source and back, every time. The mother knew the little girl was stronger than she thought. And she laid her own strength alongside her daughter’s, ready to help when needed.

The hot, sugary, milky chai we had around the cooking fire was so joyful after those burden journeys. The burden became refreshment for everyone.

God indeed gives us more than we can handle. It is how we grow stronger. It is how we learn to trust Him. It is how terrible, heavy, painful things become refreshment for our village.

God gives us more than we can carry from the time we begin to walk with Him. #faith #trust #discipleship Click To Tweet

He knows our frame. He knows our limits. He is shadowing you and me, watchful, waiting for any sign of fatigue, to see how far we can go with our impossible loads. He knows something we do not: we grow in strength as we carry. And we are stronger than we believe ourselves to be. He lays His strength down alongside ours, ready to help. With Him by our sides, we can carry anything. We are invincible!

We will surprise ourselves at how strong we’ve become by the journey’s end. We will be amazed to see that our burden has become a sweet resource for all those dear ones around us, refreshment for the weary and thirsty.

What do you believe about God today? If you believe a good God will not give you more than you can bear, the year may be full of unpleasant surprises and difficult passageways. But if you believe He gives strength to the weary, you can choose now to trust Him with whatever burdens this year may bring. You can be sure He will give you beauty where others see pain, and increased strength with every step.

On our own, we can’t handle the burdens of life. But when we trust in the Lord, we find strength beyond ourselves. 

This is a mysterious mindbender: We think we can handle only so much, yet God allows more. He then gives us the strength to bear it, bringing forth good not just for us but for others. 

Does God give us more than we can handle? Yes, He does, and with it, all we need to bear it. #strength #encouragement #2020 #NewYear Click To Tweet

The impossible burdens become possible. Like the little girl in Africa who trusted her mother as she lifted the heavy water jug and obediently put it on her head, we can choose to trust God. He is training us to carry burdens that will be transformed into comfort and renewal for others. He is with us and will help us bear each one.

Our own limited strength becomes infinite with Him by our side.

Lord, I choose today to trust You with the burdens I bear. Grow me stronger with each step as You walk beside me. Turn my burden into refreshment for others. Amen.

Editor’s Note: This post first appeared in its original form on on December 29, 2019. The author needed to be reminded of its truth today, with a few additions. Maybe you do, too.


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  1. Barb Fox says:

    Amen! God knows how much burden we can bear… and at what point we will need to trust Him fo help carry the load.

    I especially loved the comment “He is training us to carry burdens that will be transformed into comfort and renewal for others.” It is a privilege and blessing to be given the opportunity to deliver something helpful to others.

    • Audrey Frank says:

      Yes, it is, Barb. I did not always see my burdens as future refreshment for others. So grateful for our patient Lord who teaches us and waits for us as we learn from Him. Thanks for joining the conversation!

  2. J.D. Wininger says:

    Amen Ms. Audrey. We sometimes forget “we’re athletes in training”, to serve His kingdom. We don’t strengthen ourselves unless we push ourselves. And we don’t compete until we’ve been trained. Great lesson ma’am. God’s blessings.