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Honor, Shame, and the Gospel

book cover: Honor, Shame, and the Gospel
Honor, Shame, and the Gospel

Available: October 27, 2020

• Page Count: 240

ISBN: 978-1-64508-280-4

Christians engaged in communicating the gospel navigate a challenging tension: faithfulness to God’s ancient, revealed Word–and relevance to the local, current social context. What if there was a lens or paradigm offering both? Understanding the Bible–particularly the gospel–through the ancient cultural “language” of honor-shame offers believers this double blessing.

In Honor, Shame, and the Gospel, Audrey joins over a dozen practitioners and scholars as they examine the theological and missiological implications of the honorific gospel. Audrey brings attention to the particular way the paradigm impacts women.

Christopher Flanders and Werner Mischke in Honor, Shame, and the Gospel have brought together an astonishingly diverse selection of essays illuminating the long-neglected dynamics of shame and honor in our understanding of the Christian message. The result is nothing less than a tour de force in exposing the narrow frame of guilt-innocence which has dominated theological and ecclesiastical discourse for centuries, and, in the process, opening fresh avenues for the far-reaching power of the gospel for all peoples. These essays will stir your theological imagination to new heights!

Timothy C. Tennant, PhD

president, professor of World Christianity, Asbury Theological Seminary
