Be Still in His Presence

A Cape buffalo and the words Be Still in His Presence describing the subject of the post.

Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act.

Psalm 37:6

The last thing I want to do is be still. I have so much to do, so many tasks mounting, so many urgencies clamoring. How can I possibly be still? Is that even responsible?

In some circumstances, being still is life-saving.

Reminds me of a true story, as usual. 

The sun shone like joy as I made my way down Mt. Kenya after an epic climb with friends to the summit. I happily led the way, some distance ahead of my companions. The terrain on Mt. Kenya is surreal in parts, like something out of Perelandra by CS Lewis. We had just passed over spongey, mossy tufts, past rubbery plants on the higher elevations to the jungle-ish realm, where monkeys swung from trees and vines hung lush and green. I’d donned my earphones and turned my Walkman up on high, worshiping as I made the descent. I was in my own realm, a place of praise in the presence of the Lord even as I marched down, down, down.

Suddenly a shrill, frantic whistle pierced my reverie. I turned around to see my companions waving their arms in distress and bidding me to halt immediately, their faces streaked with panic as they looked past me.

In front of me, mere yards away, was a full-grown Cape Buffalo. His massive dearth spanned the path, completely blocking the trail. He was staring straight at me, snorting. I wasn’t sure if the noisy puffs he emitted were from anger, curiosity, or pending revenge for interrupting his morning reverie.

He stared at me.

I stared at him.

I stood completely still.

He stood completely still.

My friends froze, sure they were about to witness my death at the horns of the most dangerous of Africa’s Big Five. It is estimated that Cape Buffalo are responsible for 200 deaths a year. They are known to be sneaky and vengeful toward game hunters, even when wounded (and who could blame them). They are defensive of their own, coming to each other’s aid even during lion attacks. Cape Buffalo are fearsome and no one in her right mind wants to get near them.

But I was just an innocent hiker, worshiping my way down the mountain. Surely one of the creatures of the One I worshiped wouldn’t be the end of me. I reminded myself I was standing before the Creator and His mighty, albeit terrifying, creature.

With a single blink, the buffalo turned his head away and walked into the forest. 

Now I was at greater risk of being attacked by my friends, who were irate that I had been oblivious to the danger right in front of me and almost got myself and possibly them killed.

Sometimes my to-do list looks like a Cape Buffalo. Sometimes there are problems in my path that span the way, completely blocking my progress. They stand stubborn, snorting, and I’m not sure what they might do to me.

But then I remember that I am in the presence of One greater, the One who loves me and is sovereign over every obstacle in my path. Surely something allowed by the One I worship won’t be the end of me today? 

So I stand still and wait. I wait for my Lord to act, and I marvel when that big, hairy, terrifying peace and joy killer staring me down simply blinks, turns its head, and walks away.

What are you facing today? Are you facing it in the presence of the Lord? Have you reminded your soul that the One who is sovereign oversees every obstacle in your path? 

Stand still with me and wait patiently for Him to act. For He does, every time. Click To Tweet

Lord, I am impatient. May it not take terror to make me stand still and wait for you to act today. Amen.


Photo by Gio’s Studio on Unsplash

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