A Soundtrack of Gratitude

Birds in the sky at sunset with the words "A Soundtrack of Gratitude" describing the subject of the post.

By day the Lord directs his love,
at night his song is with me—
a prayer to the God of my life. Psalm 42:8

Ever feel like your life is a movie, maybe a blockbuster, maybe B-rated, but an epic tale nonetheless with an original soundtrack narrating the minutes and the hours?

The soundtrack tells a story, sometimes before the story can be seen on-screen. Today I stood on the balcony just beyond my writing desk and listened for what the soundtrack of my life might be saying. 

The base rumbled low, harvest tractors crawling back and forth, back and forth, loaded down with piles of juicy grapes. Dissonant tenors struck in minor notes as children kicked a soccer ball around the village square. The percussion of clinking glass punctuated the air as people filled their water bottles at the community tap. With gusto, church bells rang their harmonious alto, anchoring the melody. 

As I was forming the question where are the…, like an answer, the sopranos burst out from behind the church bell tower, birds sweeping and swooping like aerial ballerinas bringing the piece to a crescendo.

From within the quietness of our house, I heard my daughter call my name. Like the last beautiful note. 

What I would have missed had I not stopped to listen for God’s song to me today.

My Father has choreographed my life. He has composed an original soundtrack that tells the story of His grace and faithfulness. It is the melody of hope and a future, and when I pause to listen, I hear another song, hidden just for me, within its notes. It is the sound of gratitude, rising in a distant place, rushing toward me like a river down a mountain, right to the threshold of my dwelling place, filling me with praise.

Pause today and listen for God's soundtrack in your life. It is a song of love and #hope, and He sings it to you by name. #gratitude Click To Tweet

The world composes with instruments of noise and pressure, rush and productivity, anxiety and fear. But our Father has written a hidden song just for you. It is a melody of hope and a future, gratitude and peace. 

He can’t wait to see your face as you hear it.

Lord, quiet me today that I may hear Your song in my life. Amen.


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