Tagged: discipleship

  • Relationship Reset

    A global pandemic is a good time for a relationship reset with Jesus. What does the forced halt in productivity reveal in your relationship with God?  The tribe I once lived with in East Africa called us outsiders “wazungu”, which literally means “people who spin around and around.” We sure did spin around and around in the beginning, running here and there with our fancy projects and new ideas, keen on doing something Important. But the gentle people surrounding us didn’t think much about lofty goals and productivity. Their identity was anchored in land, relationships, and spirituality. Living in their midst was like existing in quarantine in many ways, far from the material comforts and resources we’d always enjoyed. As I struggled with the question… Read More

  • Unruly Child of Mine, O My Soul

    ready for battle with stick and sword But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content.Psalm 131:2, NIV His flaming cheeks were damp with tears, skin clammy and sweaty from the fight. Those long eyelashes everyone admired were clumped together like little dragon spikes framing big blue eyes clouded with frustration. Sweet chubby fists clenched at the side of his blue corduroy overalls while he stomped his feet as though the earth were a drum and he was calling in reinforcements.  My toddler had not been allowed to eat the cookies he wanted, and for some reason beyond his comprehension, Mommy had put them out of his reach in a hiding-place… Read More

  • Lent for Beginners

    @audreycfrank And as he rode along, they spread their cloaks on the road. As he approached the road leading down from the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of his disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works they had seen: “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” Luke 19:36-38, NET My early introduction to the Easter season was a small country church where little girls like me wore new dresses, hats, gloves, and white patent leather shoes. We awoke to Easter baskets left by the Easter bunny, overflowing with chocolate and jelly beans. After church, we would race around the churchyard searching for… Read More

  • Still So Much To Learn

    The best gift a mentor can give is the example of a heart still learning from Jesus. @audreycfrank She had delivered thousands of babies during the French occupation of the medieval city. When the French left, only she was permitted to stay. All other expatriates were sent away, leaving the nationals to redeem their own country once again. But the beloved English midwife was nurse, mother, and grandmother to many, and her place in the old city was secure. No one could imagine life without her, so she was allowed to remain. By the time I arrived, Miss C was in her seventies. I was a first-time mother and new to the exotic Muslim world. God knew I needed Miss C. Hers was one of… Read More

  • People, Not Projects

    Mourn with those who mourn. Romans 12:15 @audreycfrank I love you Audrey jaan! Where are you? The text popped up on my screen as I searched for the pastor’s phone number. I was in high crisis mode, standing by a childhood friend in need during a tragic loss. My sweet Muslim friend Hunoon was looking for me and I had forgotten in the rush of emergency to let her know I couldn’t come by today. I had to go out of town to comfort a friend but I’ll call you as soon as I get back! Three days later, Hunoon and I sat together over hot cups of spicy tea while I told her about the past four terrible days of mourning. Her eyes glistening… Read More

  • The Ember Keeper

    @audreycfrank A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. Isaiah 42:3 A golden fleece of evening sunlight spread over the gentle hills, inviting the village to slow down and rest after a dusty day’s work in the cornfields. The murmur of women and children as they exchanged their short-handled jembes for water buckets rose like a lullaby over the beautiful evening landscape. A shrunken old lady wrapped in the commanding red linens of a head wife made her way slowly to a young girl, flicking her wrist as she quietly instructed, “Fetch the ember.” It was time to light the fires for the evening meal. Each day, one person preserved hot embers from the previous day’s fire.… Read More

  • Overgrown

    @audreycfrank Sometimes life, like a neglected garden, becomes overgrown with weeds. As I write this, I am staring out my window at what was once a carefully tended, intentionally planned garden of perennials. I designed the garden with the goal of creating a burst of beauty and color when looking out any of my home’s eastern facing windows. Sitting at breakfast, I could see butter-colored confederate jasmine blossoms, pink knockout roses, slender lavender blooms, orange tiger lilies from my great-grandmother’s garden, purple butterfly bushes, and wild blue violets. From the living room where my desk sits, peonies, iris, and heritage roses comforted my eyes and brought delight to my spirit. On mild days, I loved to open the windows and door, allowing the scents of… Read More

  • Come Let Me Show You: God’s Promise for our Children

    @audreycfrank “Mommy, come see this! Look at this!”  In her excitement, my young daughter forgets I am driving as she pores over her doll magazine in the backseat, wishing to share everything with me.  “This doll has her own spaceship, Mommy!” she exclaims. “Look! Look!” I peek in the rearview mirror while trying to keep my car safely between the lines on the road. Her enthusiasm is contagious and I find it very difficult to say no to the sweet invitation to join in her delight as she discovers new things. She is a teacher, my beautiful, growing girl. She teaches me about God. In her delight, I behold His. I will protect those who know my name. When they call to me, I will answer… Read More

  • How to Walk Through Criticism

    The critic stood on a ridgeline, high above the dusty road where King David and his mighty men walked. Foam gathered in the corners of his mouth as he shouted down curses in the name of the Lord on the king. With cracked and calloused hands, the critic grabbed the nearest rocks and pummeled David and all his men with stones. "Get out! Get out, you man of blood, you scoundrel!” (2 Samuel 16:7, NIV) The Bible tells us that all the troops and the special guard were assembled, marching on David’s right and left. This did not deter Shimei. Angry and vindictive, he continued running and shouting curses wildly as he went. And somehow David continued to walk through flaming criticism without losing his… Read More